Section C(10 MARKS)
1. Draw the block diagram of 8255 and explain its various modes. Also write down the control word for various combinations.
2. Write short notes on the following:
(i) 8251
(ii) Interfacing Seven Segment Display
3. Write an 8085 based assembly language program to find the square root of a number.
4. Explain the block diagram of 8086 microprocessor.
5. What do you mean by SIMULATION and EMULATION? In what way do these help in the development of a microprocessor based system?
6. Write an assembly language program to get the 2’s complement of a 16-bit number
7. What do you understand by DMA? Draw and explain the block diagram of 8257.
8. Describe the traffic light system, stepper motor interface.
9. Explain Microprocessor Development System.
10. (i)Write an 8085 based assembly language program to find the square root of a number.
(ii) Calculate the time required to execute the following two instructions if the system clock frequency is 750 kHz.
11. Draw block diagram of 8086 and explain the registers of 8086.
12. Explain how traffic light system works using stepper motor interface.
13. Interface the following memory ICS with 8086.
(i)Two 4KB EPROMS, ending at FFFFFH
(ii)Two 4KB SRAMS, starting at 00000H.
14. Describe the traffic light system, stepper motor interface.
15. Draw the 8085 timing of execution of the 2 byte instruction MVI A,32h ( load Accumulator with data 32h) & store in location as follows:
(i) 2000 3E
(ii) 2001 32
16. (i)Write the machine code for the instruction MOV H, A if the opcode=01, the register code for H=100 and register code for A=111.
(ii)Explain why the PTR attribute is sometimes necessary in 8086.
17. Write instruction to clear the CY flag, to load number FFH in register C, & to add 01 to (C),If the CY flag is set ;display 01 at an output port otherwise display the content of register C.
18. Explain how traffic light system works using stepper motor interface.
19. Draw the 8085 timing of execution of the 2 byte instruction MVI A,32H (load the accumulator with data 32H) and store in location as follows : Memory Location Machine Code Mnemonics2000 3E MVI A, 32H2001 32
20. (i)Write the 8085 mnemonics and the machine code to transfer the program sequence to the location 0155H.(ii) Calculate the time required to execute the following two instructions if the system clock frequency is 750 kHz.MOV C,B 5 T-statesJMP 2050H 10 T-states
21. Write instructions to clear the CY flag, to load number FFH in register B, and increment. If the CY flag is set, display 01 at an output port; otherwise display the contents of register B.
thanku u sir......
where are the answers